Thursday 23 February 2012

Year 7 Focus Day

Year7 had a focus day which was called personal finances. They did loads of competitions like who could spend the most money, but they only had 50 pounds to spend in shares from different companies.There were loads of competitions.

Survey on Year 7's favourite Subjects

We asked 50 Year 7 students about what their favourite subject was and here are the numbers of how many voted what:
Maths= 5
Humanities= 4
English= 6
Science= 7
Music= 4
ADT= 7
French= 2
PE= 11
Tutorial= 4

Year 7 Girls Tag Rugby

This week in P.E for Yr7 girls started tag rugby. They finished doing dance for 6 weeks and  moved on to a new topic. So far they have only had one lesson on it but it has been a very enjoyable experience. Although the weather has been freezing they still had a great time.