Thursday 26 April 2012

Year 7 trip to the Olympic Stadium

On Tuesday 24th April year 7 went on a focus day to the, currently being built, Olympic Stadium. We went their to study the architecture of all the buildings which we then sketched. We saw The Orbit which once the Olympics are over will be open to public. It will have a lift that takes people to the top and then stairs all the way back down. This is the orbit:

We also saw the outside of the stadium and the practise running track. This is the stadium:
By Ellen & Sophia

Year 7 focus day!!!

Last Tuesday (26th) it was focus day at wren academy! But instead of doing some activities at school we went out on a school trip the the Olympic stadium! At first we where seperated into 5 groups and left on 5 coaches at 8:25 in the morning. When we got there we got a tour guide who directed us around the site by coach, after we got off and got up close to the actual stadiums. We had lunch and went back to school again for the last few lessons of the day.